Statement of intent
My name is Xiaoye Liu, also known as Louise. As an aspiring student who wants to work as an interaction designer, I have always been passionate about creating designs and solving problems. However, more important, I care about people and their experiences.
During high school, I was already interested in designing. I developed a strong foundation in using different software and dealing with different satisfactions. As an enthusiastic learner, I participated in various extracurricular activities, such as the school Gala, Choir, and Senior Student Group. These experiences helped me in many different ways. High-intensity activities also gave me a chance to hone my design skills. I was also recognized for my academic excellence by having the school High- honor roll student, Simba Scholarship, and also winning CTB Global Bronze medalist. Overall, my academic journey has instilled in me the importance of detail, problem-solving, and collaboration, essential skills for an interaction designer.
Talking about my professional journey, I haven't had any jobs that I'm working on. But during those activities that I attended, I was glad to have some professional experience. In Grade 11, I was selected as the main director of the school Gala which is held once a year. Being a director makes me think about the Gala's visuals and the audience's experience. I need to take care of the logic of programs and how to make audiences feel fascinated when they watch the shows. To care about audience experience has taught me useful skills for working in the industry and reinforced my passion for interaction design.
I'm excited to apply for this program to enhance my design ability and expand my knowledge in this field. I'm interested in the interaction between things and humans. I care about human feelings because we are born with these organs that can experience the world. Therefore, studying interaction design is an opportunity to create fascinating experiences for our species.